I felt a bit tag-teamed after Sunday services at
First Baptist Gallatin with discussion in my small group and the message all echoing the Spirit's tug on my heart that "not having time" is no excuse for my recent lack of prayer and time in the Word. So I answer by getting back to my original intent for this blog/exercise of "making the most of the time" (Eph. 5:15-16) that I have. Thanks again to RBC for the "
Our Daily Bread" pointing to the passages from which these thoughts find their springboard.
Then his disciples said, "At last you are speaking plainly and not figuratively.
Now we understand that you know everything, and there's no need to question you.
From this we believe that you came from God."
Jesus asked, "Do you finally believe? But the time is coming—indeed it's here now
—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone."
(John 16:30-32a NLT)
Sitting around the table at their last meal together, the eleven disciples (since Judas had already left - John 13:26-30) say that "now we get it." I guess having been raised under Biblical teaching for decades, I have less excuse than them (and absolutely no room to judge). Digging into the book of Job in our small group class, our teacher raised the question of the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Others in the class agreed with me that, though trained in Biblical literacy and surrounded by Godly examples, the accumulated knowledge of the "data" of the Bible is not wisdom. Wisdom requires action; an application of the knowledge with discernment as to how it should be applied. Oh that I would take the effort to seek wisdom and not just the accumulation of knowledge.
Jesus warned His chosen followers that training camp is over and "the real deal" begins, well, "now." Yet, in the scope of eternity, my decades here are just the pre-game stretching. Time is limited and I must CHOOSE to place a priority on being about those things of eternal importance. He is using everything to shape me into who I will be with Him for Eternity. He is the potter and I the clay and the environment He uses to shape His creation is up to Him. The process may involve an uncomfortable chisel to reshape some of the rigid habits that have developed or perhaps even a breaking down of portions (or all) to powder only to be re-constituted and fashioned into the image He desires. May I remain immersed in the Living Water so that I may remain pliable and mailable in His hands.
My dear friend suggested the "One Man's Walk" subtitle to my blog and, as my classmate mentioned Sunday morning, I don't know your life enough to be getting "into your business." I am recording what the Spirit lays on my heart from these passages, and my lecturing is aimed at myself. I use this blog to measure my own consistency (or lack thereof), and share so that it might be used by Him to shed some light for others.
in His service,
Andy Jentes